
We take our reponsibilities for safeguarding and our obligation to protect all extremely seriously at St Margarets. 

The national Church of England has developed robust procedures and guidelines.  As a result St Margaret's Church has adopted the House of Bishops’ “Promoting a Safer Church" safeguarding policy statement. 

This policy is available online via the Diocesan website  
here  and a Parish Safeguarding Handbook is here

Our local Parish Safeguarding Officer is Miranda Hungerford who can be contacted on 0797 065 5092

If you have any safeguarding concerns, or issues on a safeguarding matter, then you can also find useful contact information at 

There there are contact numbers of the Diocesan Safeguarding Team as well as details of national support organisations outside of the Church. 

There is a page specifically for victims and survivor support here:

If you think that someone is in immediate danger or there is an immediate risk, the best thing to do is to call 999.